Hi! Welcome to my new blog. I am sure no one is reading this, so I can probably just about say anything. Right? Okay, maybe not. I have had blogs before, but I am doing a sortof re-boot on my blogging. I used to blog before I became a realtor, so my life has gone in a different direction from my original blog, so time for a change!
About me... I live in Houston, TX and it's a pretty fun place. Probably not the place you think of when cool places come to mind, but I like the city (I live in town) and it has a lot to offer at a pretty great price (I sound like a realtor, huh?)! Good restaurants, bars, people...you get the idea. And it's a quick flight to most places if you need a change of scenery.
More...I love to travel, I love a glass of wine or cold beer, I love my job, I love houses, I love pedicures, I love my friends, I love high heels and I love PUGS. That picture up there...that's me and my pug, Paulie. I'm sure he'll come up in my blog, because let's face it, people who love their dogs are annoying and are always showing you pictures. It's just like having a kid... I think. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog. If you don't, well, I don't care.